Friday, May 8, 2009

Couples Tag

What are your middle names? Travis Paul, and Meagan Jo

How long have you been together? Almost three years.

How long did you know each other before we started dating? Uh we meet a couple times, he tripped over my cheer bag, I had dinner with his Grandpa Jack, but the first time we hung out was in April 06 and we started dating in Oct 06

Who asked who out? Erin my sister asked me out for Travis.

How old are each of you? Travis is 20 and I am 19

Do you have any children together? NOPE!

Did you go to the same school? No Travis was a Gunnison Bulldog and I was a Juab Wasps

Are you from the same hometown?No they are 45 minutes apart

Who is the smartest? Uh it depends, Street Smart - hands down Travis. Book Smart- probably me.

Who is the most sensitive? Oh me I cry all the time. Travis is sensitive to things to but he is more logical.

Where do you eat out the most as a couple? Tepenyaki's We LOVE that place. If we go out to eat up North that is were we will be.

Where is the furthest you have traveled together as a couple? Mexico on our honeymoon.

Who has the craziest ex? Both of us have some pretty strange ones.

Who has the worst temper? I would have to say that it me most of the time.

Who does the cooking? Me, Travis usually does the meat.

Who is more social? Travis, he can make friends with anyone.

Who is the neat freak? I like to be more organized, I like things to have a place. Travis hates it though when the bed is not made and his truck is not perfect.

Who is more stubborn? Man we both are stubborn, probably me though.

Who hogs the bed? I do!

Who wakes up earlier? We wake up the same time on weekdays, Saturday him, Sunday me.

Where was your first date? Official one - With Erin and Whit at Los Amigos and then to the Prestige.

Who has the bigger family? My family has more kids, but his family has more total.

Do you get flowers often? Not really.

How do you spend the holidays? With our families!

Who is more jealous? We don't really get jealous, but if there is someone that is me.

How long did it take to get serious? About a month. Then we pretty much were inseparable.

Who does the laundry? We both do the laundry. I have a great husband.

Who's better with the computer? Travis

Who drives when your together? Travis drives. I would rather read in the passenger seat.

I tag.. Natalie, Kera, Jennie, Kristian, Diane, Megan, Stacey, Becky, Kelly,.... anyone.

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