Friday, August 21, 2009

It's Snowing Again

Yes I did steal the title of this post from the back of a Snow College T-Shirt, but hey I am seeing alot of them this week. Travis and I officially went back to school on Wednesday. To be completely honest with you I am LOVING IT! We both are!
This summer was a great one. We were able to do a lot of fun things with family and friends, but to be honest during a normal work week Travis and I did not really see each other a whole lot. We would wake up, work, eat, clean the house, sleep. That was it. We are so glad to be back into a routine, and one that includes us seeing a lot more of each other. It has also been great to see some of our old friends from last year, and it is an added bonus to have sweet cousin McKell and her friend Marci only living a block away.
So yes our summer is over, and it is snowing again in our lives, but we are surely looking forward to this change in climate!

1 comment:

Kiana Don said...

You are so cute! Love the It's Snowing Again! ha ha! I am proud to say it will be SNOWING at SUU :) Hope you have a great semester!