Friday, March 27, 2009


My testimony and my love for my family have really grown over these past few weeks. The Peterson house has been very busy recently.
For a long time I have known that my dad has been in terrible pain because of his feet. Late last year he had a temporary nerve blocker put into his back to see how a permanent one would help him. I have never seen my dad so peaceful. You could tell just by looking at his eyes that a lot of his pain was gone. When they went to place the permanent one in the insurance company decided that they were not going to cover the cost leaving my parents with the difference. Needless to say my family like most can not pull a huge lump sum like that out of the air, we did not know what to do.
We fasted and prayed for an answer and I know that is what Heavenly Father gave my mom. My family is selling their house and using most of the money to pay for my dad's operation. I could not be happier!
My dad is the most respectable, honest, loving, funny man that I have ever met. I could not even begin to think of someone that deserves this more then he does. I never really knew the level of pain that my dad was experiencing until I was able to read an article that the Salt Lake Tribune wrote on my fathers health issues. My dad has kept a lot of his pain to himself. I know though that one of his dreams has always been the day that he would be able to play with his grand kids, pain free. I am so happy to see this day happen,(now he is going to be pressuring us even harder for grand babies, but he will have to wait)and maybe we could get him out of those smiley face and rolling stone pajama pants :).
I just wanted to tell my dad how much I love him, and I am so glad that he can have this. I want my mom to know that I love her and I am so glad that she is so in tune to the spirit that she could have this revelation. We know that they have been so blessed to have sold the house so quickly, and have all of the details fall into place.
I also learned another very important lesson these last couple of weeks.I was a little sad when the news first hit. I worried that I wouldn't really fill like I was going home, but through the spirit and my wonderful husband I learned that home is not where you grew up, or lived as a teenager. Home will always be where my family is.


Kaitlyn B said...

I love the new blog layout! you always have the cutest pictures up!

Tessa said...

I had no idea your dad had those kinds of problems til I read the paper the other day. I hope he's doing tons better!! Keep me updated on the fam. Where are they moving to now? I'll keep you all in my prayers =)

Wyatt and Nikki said...

Your grandpa beardall was telling us about your mom and dad selling there house!! I'm so glad he can get the surgery!! I'm seating her at the computer crying as I'm read your post!!I love your family so much and I'm so glad to have married into a good family!!

JaKe and NaT* said...

that was so beautiful meg!! i can only imagine what your family has been through... I'm so glad they were able to sale there house so your dad could live a good rest of his life... that is seriously one of the coolest things ever!! i might have to remember that if i ever give a talk on trials.. its a good story! I totally have to agree also on no matter where your family goes or does they will always be family.. I love that!! Thanks for sharing that awesome testimony builder! love you!

Taylor King said...

Megan you are great :)
I am glad that everything could work out for your family! I know that my dad only has good things to say about your dad and just thinks he is awesome!

Jessica Madsen said...

I am crying! That was such a sweet post. We wish you, your family, and your dad the best of luck!

Kiana Don said...

Meagan! What a great post! I love hearing about the Lord's blessings to those I care about. Families are the best and matter most. Thank you for your great words!