Wednesday, February 4, 2009


This year I decided that if I was going to be a Dyreng/Madsen then I better learn to quilt. So that is what I am doing I signed up to take quilt making 1010. The first day of class I was a little nervous about taking on this huge task. I have discovered that I really like it. I actually find quilt making relaxing. I have made six blocks, and I am in the process of working on the seventh.
I had a really neat experience happen to me the first day of actually sewing. I forgot to move my needle over so my seam allowance on my first couple of strips was off. I started unpicking the few rows when Sue Dalley walked in.

Sue: What ya doing Meagan why are you unpicking?

Me: Oh I messed up on my seam allowance, I am a little nervous about this whole quilting thing Sue I have no I idea what I am doing.

Sue: Well there are a lot of people to help you out of Travis' family. You will do great I know it.

Tracie (my teacher): Oh who is Travis' family?

Sue: Oh You know Mary Louis Madsen and Delma Dyreng.

Tracie (with huge eyes): You are related to Mary Louis she is the best quilter that I have ever seen. Do you have one of her quilts? What pattern is it... and so on.

Needless to say that she was pretty impressed that this little girl who could not even sew a straight line not only had seen a quilt of Mary Louis Madsen's but actually owns one. I am pretty proud that I am the owner of one too. Travis and I love our quilts and our amazing quilting grandma's.

These are the blocks that I have made. We are making sampler quilts when we are finished there will be sixteen blocks in all.


Kiana Don said...

WOW-ZA! YOU ARE A CHAMPION! Much better than what I could do! Good work!

Chad and Mandi said...

I totally took that class when I was at Snow. Loved it! It got me freakin hooked on quilting. I wish I could take it again. Have fun!

peterson said...

YOur quilt looks good!! I am excited to see it all done!

OneBrilliantGirl said...

What a great quilt! You're doing great and I'm so jealous..I would love to take a class. And I love that story about Grandma Lois. Sweet story.

Jennie said...

Lookin good Meagan!! What a neat story about the Grandmas. We definately have a tradition to uphold and keep going...the quilting thing. You're making a great start!

Aaron and Meg said...

I really enjoyed the quilting class. Much better than English right!